Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Klakar nya MESIR ini

Kawan kawan bermain squash di Monsoura

Library di Iskandiah

 1. Kenderaan

      Pertama kali ku lihat kereta di mesir, sungguh pelik sebab banyak corak accident dan kemek. Semua kereta ada kesan calar dan kemek. Walaupon sebaru mana kereta tu yang ku lihat, ternyata kesan calar masih ada. kesan calar ini disebabkan cara pemanduan orang mesir yang mahukan semua cepat dan pantas mungkin dalam erti kata lain pentingkan diri sendiri. di negara maju, jarak di antara dua kereta semasa di jalan raya lebih kurang 10 meter untuk keselamatan jika perkara tidak diingini berlaku. Yang lucunya di mesir, walaupon kereta dipandu dengan kelajuan 80km/h. Jarak antara kedua kereta ialah 1-2 meter.Dekat sesgt tuh. 

   Aku ditipu banyak kali ketika naik teksi di persekitaran mesir tidak kira teksi murah mahupon teksi mahal. Nampak muka ku yang kacak ini seperti orang bukan mesir. Harga akan teruss dinaikkan .Contohnya harga biasa dr Ramsis ke Mohandisen ialah 10 l.e tapi disebabkan aku ni org malaysia, harga naik sehingga mencecah 15-20 l.e. Kejam bukan. Tapi tak mengapa, 
     Ini kali pertama saya lihat F1 didepan mata , terutama dari segi pemanduan dan kelajuan. Semua pemandu di negara ini memandu dengan sangat laju dan suke potong memotong tidak kira jalan itu kecil mahupon besar. Biasanya jalan raya mempunyai 2 line, kini, mereka menjadikan 3 line sesuka hati. Tramco merupakan kenderaan utama di negara mesir, bas ada tapi perlahan. Tramco ini ialah van yg sangat laju dan bawa penumpang sepantas mungkin. GPS ku rosak pada waktu itu. Tragis, kalau tidak,boleh ukur kelajuan tramco itu secara terperinci
     Budaya hon sangatlah biasa. Hari pertama aku di Mesir, tekanan jiwa atau dikenali sebgai stress melanda mental ekoran dari budaya hon arab yang berterusan seperti main game di atas jalan raya. Ckit ckit Hon. 10 saat kemudian hon lagi.Apabila pemandu hendak pusing ke kanan /kiri, hon lagi.  tekanan tekanan jiwan.

2. Arab Mesir.

     Secara purata, badan org arab lebih besar dan gagah dari badan ku . Penampilan mereka lebih bercirikan seluar jeans bagi lelaki dan berbaju biasa . Bagi perempuan, pakaian hitam adalah seperti pakaian biasa.(Negara panas, pakai hitam lagi panas). Masih misteri mcm mana mereka boleh hidup pakai gelap.  Selalunya masa hendak keluar ke bandar, aku memakai pakaian seperti di Malaysia, seluar pendek dan baju cotton. Itu pon masih panas dan berpeluh sepanjang masa. Panas ini bukan panas biasa, panas terik+ awan tidak ada + udara bahang. 

       Kelebihan orang arab mesir ini ialah mereka akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencari sesuap Roti(rezeki) walau sesusah hidup mereka itu. Dari menjual tisu hingga menjual buah buahan di tepi jalan. Dari sudut mata mereka, kini ku faham mengapa mereka hendak menjatuhkan Hosni Mubarak.  Mereka tidak akan berputus asa dalam kehidupan walaupun gaji sangat rendah, hidup di tepi jalan atau di atas kubur. Untuk mereka, hidup mesti diteruskan. Aku sangat suka prinsip itu. Apabila kemalangan berlaku ditepi jalan, dengan pantas mereka akan turun dari kereta untuk menghulurkan bantuan tidak kira siapa mereka. 

        Kekurangan bangsa ini ialah mereka tidak mempunyai impian yang besar dalam kehidupan. Impian mereka hanya terbatas untuk hidup dari hari ke hari seperti berjaya membuka kedai kecil untuk hidup dengan sedikit senang. Dari pandangan mata mereka  semasa menunggu bas , tramco atau teksi, mereka termenung kebosanan yang tidak ada kaitan dengan impian. Bagi mereka, sebuah kereta, keluarga dan kerja yang cukup makan adalah kehidupan yang sempurna. 

     Prinsip kerja orang arab ini ialah bercakap sambil bekerja, mula kerja pada pukul 10 pagi walaupon dalam teori mereka mula pada pukul 8 pagi. Mereka bekerja dengan senang lenang dan tidak ada konsep Customer right.  bagi mereka ialah kepuasan bekerja bukan kepuasan pelanggan.Pelik bukan tapi itulah realiti. Fast Food di Mesir bukan cepat tapi sangat perlahan kerana prinsip kerja yang kelakar ini.  Untuk mempercepat proses ini, kita perlu menghulur duit sedikit kepada mereka sebagai tips(mcm rasuah) untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan yang kita mahukan. Mereka pulang kerja apabila mereka penat,bukan apabila waktu kerja tamat. hahahaha. kaunter di pejabat kerajaan akan tutup apabila mereka malas untuk melayan pelanggan. Kelakar bukan.

3. Alam sekitar

   Di mesir, tong sampah adalah negligible(sgt sedikit). Kita boleh buang sampah di mana mana sahaja walaupon macam tidak beretika. Rasa bersalah itu perkara biasa. 

   ekoran itu, sampah bertaburan di tepi jalan seperti daun daun yang berguguran di tepi taman. Tepi hospital pon banyak sampah bertaburan. tepi pantai pon banyak sampah juga
. Paling menyedihkan, kambing ,kucing dan sedikit manusia mencari makanan atau sumber rezeki di situ. Memang tak dinafikan di mesir ada satu bandar di dalam kaherah yang di panggil City of Garbage.Semua penduuduk kaherah membuang sampah ke situ dan di dalam city itu ada 2 juta penduduk yang berpaksikan pendapatan dengan mengutip sampah dan mengasingkannya.

    Mesir tidak mempunyai pokok mahupun rumput menghijau ditepi jalan. Yang banyaknya ialah padang pasir . Pantulan cahaya matahari menjadikan suhu darat mesir pantas untuk naik dan perlahan untuk turun. semasa musim panas, suhu bakal cecah 40 darjah . Boleh masak telur di atas jalan tar .

4. Bahasa

   Penggunaan bahasa arab sungguh meluas manakala bahasa English ialah bahasa ketiga selepas bahasa perancis. Ini kerana perancis telah menjajah bumi mesir semasa perang dunia kedua dan menjadikan pendidikan mereka diambil terus dari bahasa perancis.

5. Pelik-pelik

   Kebanyakan rakyat mesir menganggap negara mereka 3 saat di belakang jepun. Mereka juga berpendapat malaysia masih di tinggal di hutan dan pelajar malaysia datang ke mesir kerana pendidikan malaysia agak lembap.  
   Arab mesir sangat suka menggunakan us Dollar semasa berurusan dengan pelancong asing .Mungkin mereka boleh dijajah dengan Us dollar.

  Mereka tidak boleh menyebut p dan menggantikan p dengan b. Contohnya, haBBy... aBBle Bie. BeBsi, Bizza,

PERcutian di ROMANIA

Kereta- mostly byk bawak kereta compact car tapi certain yg bawak kereta besar. Yg best kat romania.. Pemandu sgt menghormati zebra. Line.. Akan stop untk bg penumpang lalu..cooll kan

Bahasa- romania.. Tapi bunyi mmg hampir same ngan italia.. Kite tak dapt bezakan langsung
Bucharest ngan timisora berbeza.. Bandar utama sgt sibuk besar dan padat dgn penduduk..alhamdulillah dapat jumpe hotel 11 euro satu malam..murahhh nyeerrr

1989- tahun di mana revolusi rakyat berlaku seperti di mesir cume lagi kejam.. 1003 org dibunuh dalam mase satu hari di piata revolutuie..sedyh dan menyayat hati. Akhirnyer kerajaan communist berjaya ditumbangkan dan digantikan oleh secondary army. Cam puppet gak

People- mostly tau english yg sesesgt simple .tapi mudh faham pelancong nyer percakapan.kekadang hand sign jugee perlu digunakan.

Gypsy - dorang ni cam org nomad kat romania.. Skolah tak abis , pemalas.. Suke buat kerja yg paling senang untk dapat duit.. Tapi KAYA. Misteri kan. Sgt unik dorang ni. Dorang percaye kepada mengajar anak mereka life skill untk berjaya dalam hidup contohnyer business..softskill. Muke dorang hampir sebijik cam org india utara yg duk kat gan nepal.

Public transport- byk bas untk pergi ke park dan sungguh senang untk travel ke mana jua. Yg cooll.. Semua tempat bersejarah kat satu line railway

Romania people- pompuan dorang sesgt cantik. Mengatasi ireland, malaysia dan british. 
Grafiti sgt byk di kedai kedai dan kebanyakannye agak buruk(jujur).

Ekonomi semakin menurun dan unemplyement semakin byk akibat harge barang yg tinggi seperti minyak.. Rm 5.5 seliter.hidup dorang gaji same ngan malaysia rm 2000 average. 

Halal- sgt sukar untk dicari tapi aderr. Semua kedai jual kebab. Rupa rupayer name kebab telah memasuki budaya romania dan tak halal. Sgt ckit kedai yg jual kebab halal tapii klau jumpe..fuh.. Sedap sesgt.:)

Pekerja aka tapi BUKAN pengemis

             Hari ni aku jumpe sorang mamat yg aku sendiri kagum.. First time dlm hidup jumpe org yg cari sesuap nasi dengan blaja geografi dunia,ekonomi..memahami sejarah romania dengn sgt mendalam dan cerita sgt power cam cikgu sejarah. Citer nye camni , aku jejalan kat piata revolutuie. Tngh best best fikir tetibe die dtg lalu crite semua sejarah.ekonomi pasal dunia dn romania. Pendek crite,,habis aku bicnang ngan dier, die mintak sedolar atau dua..tanpe ragu ragu aku trus bg...mmg berbaloi die kerja camtu yg halal berbanding jadi pengemis di jalanan yang hanya meminta duit semata mata . 


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Vitamins And MY unique life

      Seems like second pass by, but actually  YEars. I started this unique experiment since i was 16 years old. Living in schooolll,, eat in schhoooll and in short words, i lived in boarding schooll..  The problem was started exactly when i was 16 years old, i was easily fall asleep in class, hardly paying attention due to my eye strain knocking my head to go to sleep. In language  and history class, things got  more worst, payyinggg attention was the last though in my head, my main objective was TO STAY awake(FREAKIN HARD).

   To solve the problem, i tried many experiment such as day dreaming in class(sometimes it work) , stimulate nerve system on my finger(pain), talking,  walking around, seeing what other people doing. Nothing in here based on scientific method until i was 18 years old,

      In KMB, my theory was, i fall asleep because off the high temperature in my body and to counteract, negative feedback mechanism launch SLEEP to drop down the temperature back to normal. Thus, i designed a complex machine to flow coool water all over my stomach and chest,Cool Huh..  Sadly, it failed, ffall asleep occur everytime as i went into class.

      The second biggest experiment cost me lots of bucks(RINGGIT), one month before final IB exam, i bought tonnes of Chocolate, Jellys, Water and snacks into class. When i started to fell a lil bit sleepy, automatically my hand reached the food. IT WORKS. I woke up every class but cost me money.

      What should i do then? i said to my self. This year, based on nutrition dat i learned for the past 5 years, a theory about lack of Nutrition in our body will cause Sleepy n lazy developed . The next day right after i make the theory, i went to Boots and bought three packets of Multivatamin. Days pass by, nothing happen.. WEEKS PASS BY, IT CHANGED A LOT. my mind seems like i was a kid, fresh  and enthusiast most of the time..Huhuhuhu...NEW ENERGY.. Alhamdulillah....


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Malaysia And Ottoman Empire, Ape kaitannya?

                Two continents separate by thousand miles of sea and land. Ottoman empire had more than 100 million of population and Malysia had merely 25 million of people. Islam is the main principle of both lovely country.  Lets go back to history class-  Ottoman empire fall in 1920's and led by Kamal Attartuk to change the whole system in the name of liberal(straight forward we-could see) to industriliast and modernized the nation. Everyone would love it(even turks). He succeed widely within 30 years of the newly Turkey.(ive make a research, depends on u if u want to believe it)

                 In diplomatic relation, Turkey ideology is mainly from the Allies system( Mainly British). Ranging from the law, economy, liberal, money making and even beer. Lets think, Kamal  Attartuk is a nice and polite guy,in WW1 he led a big army to defend the Istanbul to prevent the fall of ottoman empire  in a forth night. Ottoman empire are already weaken by the huge land with huge expenses on that time. Then, he succeed defending the Istanbul and became a very famous person throughout the Empire. He is not a religious sense of Person, He drinks quite a lot( be open minded with all the points).Someone said that he is a spy trained since small till become a general.(ive make a research, depends on u if u want to believe it)

             AFter the WW1, he changed the Ottoman Empire into a parliament based country(known as Diplomacy), by that, he make tonnes of modernizing the country and changed a lot of system which seen by  him obsolete and useless such as banned the HIjab, changed the Azan from arabic into  Turks. IS HE A GUD GUY?(ive make a research, depends on u if u want to believe it)

           Lets see in Malaysia,  I saw the current Government as THE OLD OTTOMAN EMPIRE waiting to fall within a few years from now.  When a system is obsolete , people are interested to changed and make it better. With the Opposition make a lot of points in CLEARING all the corrupted people, modernized country, new law. (Recently MCA make a statement that PAS must abondened the intention of making Islamic country if they would like to enter BN). DAP is also publicly against the Banned of Alcohol and betting in Kelantan even though they ve agree not to interrupt the states new law. I saw PAS is weaker in voicing their new opinion if the new government is established. Since that, the real hope of creating new Islamic country would be far diminished had ever we thought before this.( i love new idea and love to make it better)
Haw far it would be in Future of Malaysia

             Had you ever though, if our neighbour Indonesia was in war with the Vietnam, in the new coalition goverment, could we sent huge army in the name of Islam to protect our neighbour?  Maybe not ,100% not because the parliament wouldn't let it be because the number of voting will surely loss. Non muslim are not agreed with the Islamic Country.

           What should we do then? I try to think in every angle and aspect. Islam love a new way of thinking and new IDEA to prosper to grow of Knowledge .Discuss in the name of Islam and open Minded.

           Dont blame people cause we are youth. weve the power to changed.



Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ireland(the land of expensiveness)


 Ireland is a country full of beer , thousands of pub n bar along the road and have of the biggest company of beer in the world which is Guiness. The older generation are very kind and gentle, speak soft wordds with a handy hand but the new generation of youth is a bit aggressive as compared to the british youth. Maybe they are born in a financial problem generation battling with unexpanded economy since they became the tiger of economy back in early 2000.

    In ireland, the unemployement people will be given `1000 euro per month included a flat. YES, 1000 euro dats a lot. This is the contributing factor for the Ireland goverment to borrow huge sum of money from IMF. Usually the unemployement people are known as Dole.

  The weirdest thing in Ireland is, U need to pay 3 euro for a bag of trash which u want to trow away. Kinda of funny though. the price of everything is ridiculous especially food and transportation. 1.2 euro is the LOWEST price of transportation.

       A sandwich will cost us 3 euro, a pint of milk, around 60 cent. A donut 1 euro,

     One of the coolest thing in ireland is, they have lots of historical building and park. Even the Royal college surgeon of ireland is 200 years old. Nice looking tram. The building is older than victorian age.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My first ProtESt- EGYPT

                Hundreds meters away, i stood up besides the Barclay's Cash machine i could hear lots of people shouting and speaking something.I dont know what it is but i know its the place i wanna go and spent my next 30 minutes ' The Egypt protest in Sheffield'.

                ' Down Mubarak , Down Mubarak Down down down' the words of the protesters used to obtain large crowd and more n more protesters.  The words arent so clear as it reach my little ear. ' down with regime, corrupted'.

                   The cool part is, as everybody is full spirited in their shout of support to the Egyptians. One tall guy stood from nowhere n climb the fence. He hold a old banner ' Peace for mubarak' . what the heck is he talking.. he shouting very loudly he supporting the Hosni Mubarak government. As we could see, he is alone while we are a big crowd , surely he make a big mistake in dat. Before that, for the reader who didn't know he is.. he is Pro Mubarak and we are anti_ Mubarak clash in Sheffield.
                  The crowd gathered around him and push him to the side. He shouted' Freedom of speech' n he support the current corrupted governmentof NDP. i ran towards where he is to have a wide picture what is happening. Hahaha.. i forgot to shot video the scene where he couldnt defend himself and being pushed to the other side of the building.

              Cool huh.. Picture of me holding the small A4 paper. As a muslim, i really care what happened to another muslim in other side of the world eventhough they have different race n culture. The government of egypt need lots of new change . InsyaAllah

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Optimized our study

       13 years pass by since i step my leg into an official school. Playin , njoyin n racin with my friend is my life since i was small.. on that time. i didnt know how my mind cooperate with its surrounding especially when it into studyin matter.

      When i was in secondary school n college, slowly i knew when im studyin.. i created a unique pattern.. even though the pattern are quite funny and obvious different from other.. its reality'on.. i showya ..
The first part would focus on the physical part(hearing , seein,n otherstuff)

1. White light is my dutchlady choice. (to prolonged the time n energy)
   -yellow light would make my eyes seems like sore(actually strain.hehhehe)
2. Right earphone ONLY plugged to my right ear.
    (maybe im usin my left hemisphere more than my right)
3. Low decibels songs when my body high in energy. If my eyes heavy.. high decibels such as Greenday.
4.The less people talkin would be better.
(to synchronize my mind towards one subject.:P)
6. Blue pen or funny colour,
  (to make me happy)
7 . Stomach- Semi fulll

The second part- The surrounding
1. lots n lots of white paper.
( to think , imagine n write what my mind says)
2. big table .
3. a netbook which i could use to FB when i was blurred or try to think differently
4. Library is the best place to study or revisin.
(lots n tonnes of gud books)
5. Wikipedia- to search anything i didnt know at the precise time.
6. Lots of foods infront of me.(motivate me a lott)
7. Discussing and then revisin is not a cool method .. Drain my energy a lot. Cepat jadi stress..:))

These are few songs i recommened to Boost up ur stamina like a genius..:)
1. D masiv- Jangan Menyerah
2. Michael Jackson - Man in Mirror
3. Fort Minor - Remember the name
4. Survivor - eye of tiger

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Street Fighting

      Once upon a time i was waiting for the yellow tram standin besides the 'yellow' line. i could hear lots of people talking n im also talking to m friend about anything pop up in my mind.
     Suddenly, ' F*%K you off, i wasnt looking at you, theres lots of people there' with the heavy of yorkshire accent he was sayin to a people who was starin at him n 1 feet away . Lots of bad words comin out from their mouth n iwas just 5 feet away..'cool huh' . Every single word, sentence, bad words and cursing i could hear very clearly. i dont know what to do . i wuld like to be the savier but then worried about my small physical height..Hahahha.. I kept lookin again n again.Since i was physically tired. none of my adrenaline rushin out into my bloddstream
    They really wanted to fight but something hoold them back on.. not their girlfrend.. Seems like they are.

2. Al Baqarah
155. Dan sungguh akan Kami berikan cobaan kepadamu, dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berikanlah berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar.

    Very patient n calm.

     Back in Malaysia, even if people starin at u and u shout back.. automatically u will involved in a geng fight..
Com'on .. lets make our heart peace n calm n more patient in a tense situation.Cheers

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mengkaji Kehidupan Org British

     3 beautiful month with full of laugh n gud time, i began to understand the pattern the lives of the British..This post will mainly focus on the time  bein' spent on average daily basis.
    10 -11 ocloclk is the main time they usually woke up from a gud night sleep. (for me this to be consider really really late, seems like ive missed out everything). and they rushed to lecture without havin breakfast. Eventhough they woke up late, the managed to reach on the door of the church(lecture place) right on timeee...right after the lecture finish.. they would be rushin(again) to the Cafe nearby to 've some slice of breakfast for a few quids before walkin to their next lecture or doin anything whichs good. Such as goin to library, learning, facebooking or goin anywhere (except home). Quite weird huh.


     As night falls, they will be goin home to hangout in their room with  friends and havin a can of beer wihtout gettin drunk. ( they  love to drunk right after the exam finish or weekends). Their sleepin time is somewhere roun 1-4 oclock depends on what theyre doin that night. Maybe doin last minute homework/assignment(same as lovely Malaysian).

       These are their main life routine in UNI..:)D